Instratech is a provider of management software solutions in the field of steel structure processing, pre-engineered steel buildings, pipeline construction, equipment... With nearly 10 years of experience deploying to customers participating in projects. Long Thanh Airport project, Terminal T3 of Tan Son Nhat airport, Phu Bai Airport, Nghi Son refinery and petrochemical complex, Vinfast complex, Rasabu and Lusail stadiums serving FIFA WorldCup 2022, Hoa Phat Dung Quat, Trien SECC international exhibition, Metro - Suoi Tien, Long Son Refinery and Petrochemical Complex, Vung Ang II Thermal Power Plant, Matarbari coal-fired power plant, NESTLE Factory... we are confident in bringing customers management software solutions effective and consistent with the actual management of the enterprise.


Accompanying businesses to improve management capacity, competitiveness and effective management of production and business activities through consulting and implementing the application of software solutions in business management Karma.

Becoming the leading software solution provider in Vietnam in the field of steel structure processing, pipeline and equipment construction...


Developing quality and sustainable human resources.

Product quality, practicality, and efficiency are top priorities.

Invest in research & development, apply modern technology from around the world to our products Instratech.

Nonstop "listen""learn" on Spirit "and demand". With Formula “Deployment in later customers is better than previous customers”.